Biolev - Levapan

Organic & gluten free solutions for flavor and nutrition

Levapan Biotechnology, through its brand Biolev, introduces a new line of certified organic baker’s yeast and yeast extracts that are gluten free flavor enhancers designed to deliver clean label flavor enhancement to your organic products. This portfolio has been developed to meet the regulatory needs and emerging trends in this market segment and allow you develop and deliver products with top sensory experiences and nutritional value.

Biolev by Levapan, bringing science to your business.


Why organic/bio products?

Organic or Bio means an approach to a chemical-free nutrition, a healthy sustainable ecosystem, and a conscious wellness, all of which are embodied in safety. To ensure this status, the agricultural and packaged products must adhere to different countries’ regulations and obtain a certification, represented in seals that identified its organic/bio condition.

Clean Label
Gluten Free

Globally, this is a growing market segment:

  • Consumers globally rank organic/bio as the third health claim, and it continues to grow*

*source: Innova Market Insights report “Hot Topics: The Future of organic”

  • The organic/bio market size was approximately 55,000 M USD in 2022, and United States and Europe being the major consumers**

**source: base on the OTA-Global Organic Trade Guide database 2021

Why our organic/bio solutions are the ally you need?

The increasing demand for certified organic products leads food and beverage producers to seek ingredients that meet these standards.  Biolev’s organic ingredients are gluten-free baker’s yeast and yeast extracts, which are certified by ECOCERT CO-BIO-154, this means that can be used in organic food and beverage products to provide, among other benefits:

  • Enhancement of flavor notes present in formulation. Unlike other ingredients in the market, Biolev’s organic solutions have cleaner profiles, are gluten-free and certified Non-GMO. This is the result of carefully controlled fermentation and enzymatic processes, and the quality of the certified organic raw materials used in their production.
  • Our own pure cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisae develop special sensory characteristics that are able to mask undesirable flavor notes such as bitterness due to cereal sources, artificial and fatty, while improving flavor notes such as roast, sweet, spice, umami and meaty (beef and white meat) by, rounding them up and making them more savory and mouthwatering.
  • Due to their nature, these natural biotechnological ingredients are rich in protein, free amino acids, B complex vitamins, and minerals, making them an organic nutritional source.

Discover the complete portfolio of organic and gluten-free solutions here.

We offer certified organic baker’s yeast and yeast extracts with unique sensory and nutritional characteristics that fit a myriad of different food application needs.

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